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RPO Services & Solutions: Build Your Dream Team

Connect with the top-rated RPO (recruitment process outsourcing) company based in India & USA, experience end-to-end offshore recruitment services, and transform your business goals.

Staffing Services We Offer

The world is changing fast and so do the needs and demands. For being a One-Stop Solution for all staffing needs, we have tailor-made our services to suit your specific needs. Check our service offerings and the type of talent we support.

Contingent/Temporary Staffing

We understand that needs differ from one company to another. Hence, we believe in providing scalable business consulting services with flexible contracts. Whether you need talents for short-term projects or long-term purposes, we have got you covered.

Contracted Personnel

Hiring in-house staff is a costly affair. It’s not just about paying a salary but also about providing the proper infrastructure, resources, training, health insurance, and more. Our flexible contracted personnel help save all extra costs.

Project Staffing

Want to bring on a new team for a specific reason? We at AIS help you hire team or individual experts with particular skill sets. Whether you need to empower your existing team or want new expertise for special projects, we have got you covered.

Direct Hire Placements

Do you have a long-term or plan on keeping the new staff with high skill permanently? We understand the seriousness of placing a full-time candidate, and we make sure we can align the best talents, adding growth and creating success stories together.

Staff Augmentation

With our Staff Augmentation, we help you get the desired results with cost savings. The primary purpose for outsourcing recruitment is to save time, money and get the best solutions without losing the focus from the core business objectives.


We at AIS help you find the right worker with appropriate qualifications, experience, and expertise to fill a job position or role. We work on your behalf, so you stay focused on the core business. Your staffing needs are our responsibility.

RPO Services & Solutions We Offer

We are a leading RPO – Recruitment Process Outsourcing company located in India and the USA. We provide comprehensive RPO services to suit the varied needs of businesses and staffing agencies. With our range of services, we take the hassle out and help you save more time and stay focused on your core business objectives. Let’s explore the services provided.

Full Cycle Recruitment_TGC600X500
Full Cycle Recruitment

From identifying potential candidates, reviewing resumes and talent assessments to screening, hiring, and onboarding, we provide full cycle recruitment services 

In depth Assessment_TGC
In-Depth Assessment

Our highly trained recruiters run an in-depth assessment to hire the best talents who will fulfill your expectations. 

RPO Sourcing
Recruitment Process Sourcing

Our HR department prioritizes the sourcing process based on candidate requirements. The recruiting department connects with candidates based on their qualifications and skills.

Candidate Screening

We offer screening where we review multiple job applications to get the perfect candidates who will fulfill your business goals.

Why Choose Us as Your Offshore RPO Partner?

With expert RPO solutions to clients in the US & UK, we are a leading recruitment outsourcing service provider with more than 10k happy clients across the regions.

End-to-End Solutions

We offer end-to-end solutions for your business goals from the recruitment process to providing IT infrastructure.

Top Talent

Get the best talents to handle the complex tasks that boost your company’s progress.

Staff Expansion

As an expert RPO solutions to clients in the US & UK, we help businesses expand staff and on a regular or as-required.

Custom Requirement

Hire the talents that will align with your client’s requirements and meet their expectations.

Focus on Partnership

We are offshore RPO specialists and our focus is on building a long-term partnership with you

Culture and Values

Enhance your company’s working environment with our talents so that your staff delivers its best results in less time.

We help you solve your recruiting challenges

By partnering with our company for Recruitment Process Outsourcing, businesses can overcome these challenges and achieve their recruitment goals more efficiently and effectively.

Losing talent to competitors
Poor candidate quality
Hard-to-fill jobs
Skill Shortages

Our Culture

How a Recruitment Outsourcing Company Help You Grow Your Business

Increases Scalability

Partnering with a reliable offshore RPO company near you can help increase productivity, empowering your organization to scale as it grows. A rapid scale with ready-to-use infrastructure and talents will keep your business thriving.


Quality Talents


Hiring quality talent is a challenge and companies need to invest a lot behind the human resource department to find better work forces. We help you get quality talents who are industry experts for your needs.


Save Time and Money


Did you know various research sites claim that a business can save 40% of valuable time and drive business value by 73%. Save a significant amount of time and money in the recruitment process as you can stay focused with core business objectives.


Experienced Candidates


When you opt for RPO – recruitment process outsourcing, you get hand-picked experienced candidates who deliver quality work even in intense workloads. They easily align with your business vision.

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It can be 5–10% of a new hire’s base salary or roughly around $3K to $8K per hire. However, the actual charge for RPO depends on various factors, like the organization’s needs and experience/expertise level of the recruitment firm. For example, an offshore RPO company near you charges fixed amounts based on the industry, such as $3K to $8K per hire for healthcare, $2k to $5k for pharma, 15% to 30% for manufacturing, and almost similar for the IT sector. However, the actual cost of RPO services will depend on the project requirements. For further details, you can contact our customer support.

While Business process outsourcing (BPO) offers a broader outsourcing option, an RPO agency provides strategic guidance for day-to-day support in hiring talents. In simple words, an RPO can help you hire talents for specific roles and a BPO can handle your entire back office work or part of your work process.

We are one of the top Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) staffing agencies and we provide end-to-end RPO services which include a full-scale recruitment cycle, sourcing, screening, etc.

RPO or recruitment process outsourcing is when an organization or staffing agencies outsource recruitment to a third party provider. The primary reason for outsourcing recruitment is to save cost. However, there can be various other reasons for outsourcing recruitment to an RPO agency.

RPO services involve handling talent acquisition hassle on behalf of the company. It can sourcing, searching for candidates, employer branding, hiring industry-specific talents, and others. Taking all your hassle out by acting as an in-house recruiter, provides greater efficiency and flexibility to the hiring process.


Working Total Rating


We in TGC make sure whether you reach out to us directly or you’ve been referred to us by one of our satisfied candidates or employer-clients, we take the time to get to know you.

  • Flexible :- We are open with all the hirings and thus, provide the flexibility of job choice.
  • Multiple options :- We have a strong client base that make sure that the candidate have lots of job options in hand to avoid any uncertainity.
  • Additional assistance :- We make sure that we provide additional assistance like guidance, resume formating and so on so that the candidate can reach the potential clients.


We in TGC do something which is not unique , but the methods, values and understanding makes it different from the other recruitment consultancies.

  • Faster Hiring :- Using a recruitment agency will shorten the time it takes to fill your open positions, we make sure that the positions gets filled according to the timelines and priorities.
  • Qualitative candidates :- Using a recruitment agency increases your ability to meet high-quality candidates with the relevant skills and expertise in your sector.
  • Client Centric :- Our recruiters make sure that we work on the potential requirements of the clients on priority and match the requirements exactly with the resume.
Why Choose Us

Help Businesses Find the Best Talent.

End-to-End Solution

Giving end to end services to the fortune 500 companies with thorough diversity and flexibility.

Top Talent

Immense talent to handle complicated jobs in-shore and off-shore

Custom Requirement

Hiring the best virtual requirements for the clients in the market.

Staff Augmentation

We have strategies ready to fulfil the business objectives in case of staff augmentation

Why Choose Us

Help Businesses Find the Best Talent.
End-to-End Solution
End-to-End Solution

Giving end to end services to the fortune 500 companies with thorough diversity and flexibility.

Top Talent
Top Talent

Immense talent to handle complicated jobs in-shore and off-shore

Staff Augmentation
Staff Augmentation

We have strategies ready to fulfil the business objectives in case of staff augmentation

Custom Requirement
Custom Requirement

Hiring the best virtual requirements for the clients in the market.

Business Owner


Certified Flight Instruction

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time / On-site

Posted :- 31-Oct-2023

Flight Attendant

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time / On-site

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Asst. Air Traffic Control Officer

Location :- Delaware

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Airport Manager

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time / On-site

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Aircraft Mechanic

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time

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Certified Flight Instruction

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time / On-site

Posted :- 31-Oct-2023

Flight Attendant

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time / On-site

Posted :- 31-Oct-2023

Asst. Air Traffic Control Officer

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time / On-site

Posted :- 28-Oct-2023

Airport Manager

Location :- Delaware

Job Type :- Full Time / On-site

Posted :- 27-Oct-2023

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